Criminal Defense

Circumstantial Evidence in Criminal Defense Cases

Circumstantial Evidence in Criminal Defense Cases When it comes to criminal defense, one term you may have heard thrown around is "circumstantial evidence." In this post, we'll break down circumstantial evidence, how it differs from direct evidence, and its role in criminal cases. We'll also provide examples and discuss how it can impact a trial. Whether you're simply curious [...]

By |April 30th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense, Evidence|Comments Off on Circumstantial Evidence in Criminal Defense Cases

Never Talk to Police Without a Lawyer: Why It’s Crucial to Remain Silent

Never Talk to Police Without a Lawyer: Why It's Crucial to Remain Silent If you are ever arrested or questioned by the police, it is essential to remember that you have the right to remain silent. You should never speak to the police or even talk to cops without an attorney present. The reasons for this are numerous and [...]

By |April 6th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense, Police Officers|Comments Off on Never Talk to Police Without a Lawyer: Why It’s Crucial to Remain Silent