Immigration Consequences

Potential Immigration Consequences of Shoplifting Charges for Non-Citizens in Miami

Shoplifting Charges for Non-Citizens: Potential Immigration Consequences in Miami If you are not a U.S. citizen and have been charged with shoplifting in Miami, you may be worried about how a conviction could impact your immigration status. As experienced criminal defense attorneys in Miami, we understand the unique challenges and concerns non-citizens face when dealing with criminal charges. In [...]

By |May 3rd, 2024|Categories: Immigration Consequences, Shoplifting / Retail Theft, Theft Crimes|Comments Off on Potential Immigration Consequences of Shoplifting Charges for Non-Citizens in Miami

The Immigration Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction in Miami

The Immigration Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction in Miami If you are a non-citizen facing domestic violence charges in Miami, it is absolutely critical that you understand how a conviction could impact your immigration status. Under federal immigration law, certain domestic violence convictions are grounds for removal (deportation) from the United States. Even if you have legal status (a [...]

By |September 1st, 2023|Categories: Domestic Violence, Immigration Consequences|Comments Off on The Immigration Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction in Miami