Criminal Investigations

The Unreliable ‘Witch Test’ Sending Women to Prison for Murder

'Witch Test' Sending Women to Prison for Murder As a criminal defense attorney, I was alarmed to read this recent investigative report by ProPublica about the lung float test being used to prosecute and imprison women for murder after experiencing stillbirths or pregnancy complications. This so-called "test" has no scientific basis whatsoever. It dates back to the 1600s when suspected [...]

By |October 12th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Investigations, Wrongful Convictions|Comments Off on The Unreliable ‘Witch Test’ Sending Women to Prison for Murder

Police Use of Geofence Warrants

Police Use of Geofence Warrants: A Troubling New Tactic That Puts Innocent People at Risk What are Geofence Warrants and How Do They Work? A geofence warrant allows police to draw a virtual boundary around a location and get tech companies like Google to provide information on all devices within that area during a certain time period. For example, if [...]

By |October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Criminal Investigations, Electronic Evidence, False Arrests, Privacy|Comments Off on Police Use of Geofence Warrants

What To Do If You Think You Are Under Criminal Investigation

What To Do If You Think You Are Under Criminal Investigation and a Detective Contacts You Discovering you may be under criminal investigation can be an alarming and stressful experience. Many people are unsure how to respond when detectives reach out requesting information or an interview. While you always have the right to remain silent, cooperating with law enforcement strategically [...]

By |September 20th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Defense, Criminal Investigations|Comments Off on What To Do If You Think You Are Under Criminal Investigation