
Understanding Mail Surveillance

Understanding Mail Surveillance: What You Need to Know About Your Privacy Rights In today's digital age, many of us are concerned about online privacy and electronic surveillance. But did you know that your physical mail could also be subject to monitoring? As your trusted Miami criminal defense attorneys, we're here to shed light on a little-known practice that could [...]

By |June 26th, 2024|Categories: Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on Understanding Mail Surveillance

Google Changes Policy Affecting Geofence Warrants

Google Data Policy Change: Implications for Florida Geofence Warrants What Are Geofence Warrants And How Do They Impact Your Privacy Rights? Geofence warrants allow police to request location and movement data from Google on all users within a specific area during a particular time period. With just this blanket search warrant, officers can access incredibly revealing personal information without [...]

By |December 16th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on Google Changes Policy Affecting Geofence Warrants

Law Enforcement Use of Drones

Law Enforcement Use of Drones: What You Need to Know As drones become more prevalent in the commercial and recreational spheres, their use by law enforcement is also growing. Police and federal agencies now operate over 1,500 drones across the country. While drones provide tools to aid investigations and enhance officer safety, their use also raises important questions about [...]

By |October 14th, 2023|Categories: Police Officers, Privacy, Technology|Comments Off on Law Enforcement Use of Drones

Police Use of Geofence Warrants

Police Use of Geofence Warrants: A Troubling New Tactic That Puts Innocent People at Risk What are Geofence Warrants and How Do They Work? A geofence warrant allows police to draw a virtual boundary around a location and get tech companies like Google to provide information on all devices within that area during a certain time period. For example, if [...]

By |October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Criminal Investigations, Electronic Evidence, False Arrests, Privacy|Comments Off on Police Use of Geofence Warrants

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act In a world that is increasingly digitized, the importance of your online privacy and the security of your personal data has never been more apparent. A recently reintroduced bill, The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act, has been making waves in Congress, and it's a topic that you should be aware [...]

By |July 20th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act

Border Searches of Cell Phones Require a Warrant

Border Searches of Cell Phones Require a Warrant Today, we're going to delve into a recent court opinion that has significant implications for the Fourth Amendment and the privacy rights of individuals. The case in question is United States v. Smith, a decision from the Southern District of New York. This case is a fascinating exploration of the intersection [...]

By |June 3rd, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Privacy|Comments Off on Border Searches of Cell Phones Require a Warrant

Mugshots and Arrest Records in Florida

Mugshots and Arrest Records in Florida Mugshots in Florida In the realm of law enforcement and criminal justice, mugshots in Florida play a significant role. But what is a mugshot? A mugshot is a photographic portrait taken when an individual is arrested. This term hails from "mug," which is slang for face, and "shot," referring to the photograph. In Florida, [...]

By |May 16th, 2023|Categories: Criminal Justice System, Privacy|Comments Off on Mugshots and Arrest Records in Florida

The Air We Breathe: DNA, Privacy, and the Future of Forensics

The Air We Breathe: DNA, Privacy, and the Future of Forensics Imagine taking a stroll in your local park, leaving invisible traces of yourself behind with every breath you take, every cup of coffee you sip, and every surface you touch. Now, picture a world where these minute genetic breadcrumbs can be collected, sequenced, and used to learn intimate details [...]

By |May 16th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Privacy, Technology|Comments Off on The Air We Breathe: DNA, Privacy, and the Future of Forensics