Theft Crimes

How You Can Be Wrongly Detained for Shoplifting

How You Can Be Wrongly Detained for Shoplifting Have you ever been stopped in a store and accused of shoplifting when you were completely innocent? This humiliating and infuriating experience happens more often than you may realize. While loss prevention officers have an important job to do in preventing theft, they must follow strict legal guidelines before detaining a customer. [...]

By |August 17th, 2023|Categories: False Allegations, False Arrests, Shoplifting / Retail Theft, Theft Crimes|Comments Off on How You Can Be Wrongly Detained for Shoplifting

Falsely Accused of Shoplifting in Miami?

Falsely Accused of Shoplifting in Miami? When you're out shopping in Miami, the last thing you expect is to be accused of stealing merchandise by a loss prevention officer (LPO). Unfortunately, this scenario can happen to innocent people, as LPOs sometimes make mistakes or falsely accuse individuals of shoplifting. In this post, we'll discuss why these false accusations occur [...]

By |April 25th, 2023|Categories: Shoplifting / Retail Theft, Theft Crimes|Comments Off on Falsely Accused of Shoplifting in Miami?

Retail Theft Charges in Miami

Retail Theft Charges in Miami Imagine the sinking feeling in your stomach as you find yourself in a situation you never thought possible. You're facing retail theft charges, and the entire ordeal is overwhelming. Whether this is the result of a misunderstanding or a momentary lapse in judgment, you must take these charges seriously. The consequences of a conviction can [...]

By |March 29th, 2023|Categories: Shoplifting / Retail Theft, Theft Crimes|Comments Off on Retail Theft Charges in Miami

Why Do People Shoplift?

Have you ever wondered why people shoplift? It's a complex issue with many different factors. Some people steal because they're struggling financially and need basic necessities or luxuries they can't afford. Others might do it because of addiction, impulse control issues, or past traumas. And then some shoplift just for the thrill of it. But most shoplifters aren't professional [...]

By |January 28th, 2023|Categories: Theft Crimes|Comments Off on Why Do People Shoplift?

The Devil Made Me Do It: Shoplifting (Petit Theft)

At any given time, I represent at least 5 – 10 clients who are charged with shoplifting or petit theft. Invariably, my client is a professional or student with a squeaky clean record. This begs the question: Why did they do it?Although there certainly are cases where people are falsely accused, most of my shoplifting clients freely admit their guilt [...]

By |November 14th, 2011|Categories: Shoplifting / Retail Theft, Theft Crimes|Comments Off on The Devil Made Me Do It: Shoplifting (Petit Theft)