Fourth Amendment

Understanding Mail Surveillance

Understanding Mail Surveillance: What You Need to Know About Your Privacy Rights In today's digital age, many of us are concerned about online privacy and electronic surveillance. But did you know that your physical mail could also be subject to monitoring? As your trusted Miami criminal defense attorneys, we're here to shed light on a little-known practice that could [...]

By |June 26th, 2024|Categories: Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on Understanding Mail Surveillance

Keyword Search Warrants: Unconstitutional Dragnets That Undermine Privacy and Free Speech

Keyword Search Warrants: Unconstitutional Dragnets That Undermine Privacy and Free Speech A little-known but increasingly common police investigative technique threatens all Google users' privacy and free speech rights: the keyword search warrant. These warrants allow police to get identifying information on anyone who searched Google for specific terms—potentially sweeping up large numbers of innocent people in the process. The [...]

By |January 10th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment|Comments Off on Keyword Search Warrants: Unconstitutional Dragnets That Undermine Privacy and Free Speech

Google Changes Policy Affecting Geofence Warrants

Google Data Policy Change: Implications for Florida Geofence Warrants What Are Geofence Warrants And How Do They Impact Your Privacy Rights? Geofence warrants allow police to request location and movement data from Google on all users within a specific area during a particular time period. With just this blanket search warrant, officers can access incredibly revealing personal information without [...]

By |December 16th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on Google Changes Policy Affecting Geofence Warrants

When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops

When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops If you've ever been stopped on the street by a police officer who searched you for weapons or contraband, you were likely the subject of a "Terry stop." As a Miami criminal defense lawyer, I want to explain when these types of stops are legal, your rights and [...]

By |July 30th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Criminal Procedure, Fourth Amendment|Comments Off on When Can Police Stop and Frisk You in Miami? Understanding Terry Stops

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act

The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act In a world that is increasingly digitized, the importance of your online privacy and the security of your personal data has never been more apparent. A recently reintroduced bill, The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act, has been making waves in Congress, and it's a topic that you should be aware [...]

By |July 20th, 2023|Categories: Constitutional Rights, Electronic Evidence, Fourth Amendment, Privacy|Comments Off on The Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act